Tuesday, November 24, 2015

SanDisk’s wireless flash drive boosts your phone’s storage

Mobile storage is a bit of a mess right now.
Today’s top smartphone makers are quickly ditching microSD support, and not everyone is comfortable handing their cherished moments over to the cloud. And just how the heck are we supposed to manage with just 16GB of space, Apple? That may seem like more than enough initially, especially now that iOS 9 takes up less space. But snap a few Live Photos, shoot some 4K footage, and your phone will be filled up before you know it. So what is a smartphone user supposed to do?
Luckily, there are devices like the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick, which is reinventing the flash drive game.
Designed to work both with your computer and mobile devices, SanDisk’s Wireless Stick makes it incredibly easy to transfer files between phone and laptop, tablet and phone, etc. And what’s great about the device is that barely any work is required on the part of the user. Just watch the above video and tell me that’s not easy?
With the Wireless Stick attached to your keys or in your pocket, all of your pictures, video, music and other important documents can seamlessly be backed up to free up space on your phone. And if there is an album of pictures you want to transfer between your computer and tablet, just connect to the Wireless Stick and you’re good to go. Easy.
In addition to freeing up space on your phone’s meager 16GB of storage, what’s great about the Wireless Stick is that you can do everything offline. So if you’re traveling in some remote part of the globe, SanDisk’s device will be there to help you secure your memories. Heck, SanDisk actually has an “extreme team” of professional photographers who swear by the new Wireless Stick.
I take an unhealthy amount of photos of my dog, which fills up my device pretty quickly. The SanDisk Connect Wireless stick makes sure I have somewhere to offload those photos without relying on the cloud, and it lets me free up space on my phone for apps and other stuff. It’s not just backing your content up, either. You can stream music and HD video up to three smartphones, tablets or computers at once, making it a pretty great travel companion, too. And if you’re in the sharing mood, the Wireless Stick is capable of sharing content with multiple devices at once, which is a great option for team meetings.
The Wireless Stick comes in 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB options—all there to help you free up space on your phone. And the great thing is you can use the Wireless Stick app to automatically copy photos and videos from your camera roll to the flash drive, turning it into a “set it and forget it” experience. The less our technology gets in the way, the better. You won’t even know the Wireless Stick is there, let alone have to worry about fiddling with backing up your media.
The Wireless Stick works with both iOS and Android through a Wi-Fi connection, and offers optional password protection to keep prying eyes away. With the device turned on, users should expect about 4.5 hours before it needs recharging, which can be done through the USB connection.
It’s getting easier than ever to eat up a phone’s storage, especially when companies insist on sticking with 16GB. If you’re not comfortable with using services like Google Photos, the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick is the perfect way to back your media up. The device starts at just $29.99, and goes all the way up to $99.99 with a one-year warranty.

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